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The University of Ghana moves studies online

The management of the University of Ghana on 23rd march, 2020 sent out a communiqué informing its student population of its intention to move the remaining weeks of studies online. Using the University’s Sakai Learning Management, the teaching schedule is expected to start from 30th March to 15th May 2020 unless the school opens earlier than this date.

The online platform has been upgraded and Google classroom has also been installed on it to cover all courses including the University’s required courses. Computer laboratories will be made available for students who may need it using a booking system while practicing the required social distancing and proper hygiene protocols.

Due to exorbitant data pricing purchasing may be a huge problem for many students, the University in collaboration with one of the country’s leading telecommunication network, Vodafone has made access to the school’s online platform free. Vodafone has agreed to help distribute sim cards to all students to facilitate access.

This initiative is well and good. Regardless of whatever question on practicality applies. We can’t wait to see this roll out and get back to learning.


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The Fastest Growing Student Platform in Ghana